CSZCM ethical commitment
us and us, discípulas y discípulos del budismo Soto Zen, We express that our greatest aspiration is the full realization of our Buddha nature, and that we aspire to that realization for the good of all beings.
The members of the Soto Zen Camino Medio Community (CSZCM) we are seekers of Knowledge. As such, We recognize ourselves in the path of wisdom and compassion that the Buddhas and Ancestors of all times have traveled before us..
We do not base our ethical commitment on truths external to our experience, nor in dogmas of any kind. As heirs and heirs of the message of wisdom, freedom and compassion of our very beloved teacher Sakyamuni the Buddha, We base our ethical commitment on our unwavering aspiration to develop as awakened beings., free, kind, open, noble and generous.
The members of the CSZCM We are here to show that each being is a treasure that must be protected and respected., and that the world we walk upon is the Buddha's Pure Land. We express that our immense love for Dharma translates day to day, hour by hour, moment by moment in affirming and updating that each and every form of life in the Cosmos is a precious jewel of light, goodness and freedom.
From this spirit, We assume the following ethical commitments:
- We assume the commitment to safeguard life, our own, that of the rest of the people, and that of all living beings that inhabit the Earth. Consequently, we refrain from killing. We are aware that to exist is to exist in interrelation. We live in relationship with other people, with other beings, with water, the wind, the rain, the grass... Our world is much more beautiful because the eagle soars through its skies, the wolf howls in the steppes, the bear runs through the forests, whales sail the seas… All beings, animate and inanimate, they form the Great Body of the Buddha. Life on Earth is sacred and all its forms deserve all our respect and veneration..
- We assume the commitment to cultivate generosity, not only that of material goods, but also that of the body, the heart and mind. We lack nothing, because moment by moment we update our intimate and deep connection with the Cosmos. Consequently, we refrain from taking anything that is not ours and we refrain from stealing. We are aware that our essential being is a luminous jewel made of wisdom and compassion.. That life has made us immensely rich and wealthy just by being human beings walking the Earth.. That life has given us a great gift by putting us on the path of the Buddhas and Ancestors, because that is for us the real path to the realization of our total being.. We recognize ourselves as daughters and sons of the Earth and the Sun; the entire Universe is our abode, because we have never been separate and separated from everything that surrounds us. Consequently, We lack nothing and therefore we have no need to take anything from outside.
- We assume the commitment that in all places and circumstances our words express the truth. The verb arises as an expression of the essential being that we are. through the word, Buddhas communicate with Buddhas. through the silence, Buddhas communicate with Buddhas. Consequently, we refrain from false words. We are aware that the credibility, The recognition and respect of our work before people arises from honesty. Being true and true is a quality that arises naturally in those of us who do not want to be better than we are., because here and now we rest in our original nature. Don't lie, do not deceive, do not falsify, To simply say the truth at every moment is to be on the Way, at that precise moment.
- Asumimos el compromiso de crear relaciones de amor y respeto con nuestras parejas. The sexual union between two people is the fusion between two Buddhas. Sexuality is a sacred celebration of life. Consequently, we abstain from having a sexual life that produces pain and suffering in other beings. Through the loved one, the infinite dances between our fingers. The radiant being of light that lives within us is recognized in the eyes of the other being.. The joy, the joy, the joy, the delivery of sexual union between two beings is also a path of fulfillment. Consequently, we cultivate a sacred vision of that relationship.
- We assume the commitment to cultivate an awake attitude towards existence. Awakening moment after moment to our original nature is the transmission that has been bequeathed to us since time immemorial by people seeking Knowledge.. Consequently, we abstain from the use of intoxicants and substances that produce numbness of consciousness. The Way of Zen is the way of awakening. We know that we live in a society that generally favors the numbing of the conscience of its members.. Every person fears facing the abyss of existence and, in particular, the abyss of non-existence, of the disappearance. The atavistic fear produced by the realization that we all have to die leads many people to narcotize their conscience.. In our meditation practice we cultivate the attitude of looking dissolution and death in the face. We know we die like waves, but that we remain like the ocean that we have always been. Consequently, we face our fears from awakening and confidence. For this reason, we cultivate an attitude of avoiding returning to unconsciousness through intoxicating or narcotizing substances.
- We assume the commitment to use economic resources with prudence and rectitude, in full agreement with the Buddhadharma. Reconocemos que cada recurso es un don del cosmos y, as such, must be managed responsibly. We commit to using these resources in ways that reflect our deep understanding of the interdependence of all beings.. Consequently, we refrain from wasting, to accumulate without need, and to use funds, in a way that contradicts the principles of compassion and generosity that govern us. Our economic management is transparent and is always directed towards the sustenance of the practice and the development of our community.
- We are committed to fostering an environment of respect, equality and non-discrimination within our community and in all our interactions with other beings. We are committed to treating each person with dignity, regardless of sexual orientation, raza, ethnicity, age, physical or mental condition, credo, or any other feature. We recognize that respect and inclusion are fundamental to spiritual development and creating an environment in which all people can flourish.. We encourage diversity and recognize that each human being has an intrinsic and unique value that must be recognized and honored.
May it be so for our good and that of all living beings!!