Zazen Online

You can keep practicing, even on those occasions when attending a dojo or meditation center in person is not possible. The sessions are led by our teacher and his disciples from the practice centers in their cities.. You just need to register as a user in the next link. It is highly recommended to perform the following questionnaire that will help you in the access process.


Monday to Friday at 7:15 h with disciples of Daizan sensei.

Wednesday at 20:00 h from the Murcia Zen dojo.

Friday at 20:00 h from the Alicante Zen dojo.

Zazen Online

You can keep practicing, even on those occasions when attending a dojo or meditation center in person is not possible. The sessions are led by our teacher and his disciples from the practice centers in their cities.. You just need to register as a user in the next link. It is highly recommended to perform the following  

The full content of this section is only available to members, Registration is free,

accede with your username or high dates.

24 hours, 365 days.

We are pleased to announce a new videoconference room for the practice of zazen that will be available 24 hours of the day, los 365 days of the year. This virtual space is designed so that each person can carry out their practice of zazen freely and self-managed. The main purpose of the room is to provide an opportunity to “match” other practitioners in their personal meditation., thus creating a shared environment of presence and commitment to practice. This space will always remain open for those looking for a place to practice. zazen in community.

Zazen Online

You can keep practicing, even on those occasions when attending a dojo or meditation center in person is not possible. The sessions are led by our teacher and his disciples from the practice centers in their cities.. You just need to register as a user in the next link. It is highly recommended to perform the following  

The full content of this section is only available to members, Registration is free,

accede with your username or high dates.


Our access tutorial is available step by step. And if you need more help, you can access our Telegram group and state your problem. If you prefer, You can also contact us at our email

We will notify you of any incident through the communication channels of WhatsApp y Telegram

📣 Join us! Your voice and experience are valuable. Share your thoughts, ask questions and let's support our community of practitioners together. For more information, visit our support group (registered users only).

Initial questionnaire

The following questionnaire will guide you step by step to meet all the necessary requirements to practice with us, You just have to click on the chosen option and the answer will appear to guide you.

1. Are you registered as a user or are you a member of one of our associated Centers?



2. Have you made a introduction to zen meditation in one of our integrated centers?



3. Know where and how to access to our practice rooms?



Zazen Online

You can keep practicing, even on those occasions when attending a dojo or meditation center in person is not possible. The sessions are led by our teacher and his disciples from the practice centers in their cities.. You just need to register as a user in the next link. It is highly recommended to perform the following  

The full content of this section is only available to members, Registration is free,

accede with your username or high dates.

4. Do you know the recommendations for practice?



5. Have you already joined the practice group in our online community?



6. Have you responded YEAH to all the previous questions?