Online Practice

We invite you to continue practicing with us, even on those occasions when attending a dojo or meditation center in person is not possible.

Letter to the Sangha November 2024

Dear Sangha and supporters of the Soto Zen Camino Medio Community, We are taking a historic step in our community: the formal constitution of the Soto Zen Camino Medio Community (CSZCM). This milestone will not only allow us to strengthen our practices and teachings, but also deepen our ethical commitment to all beings, guiándonos por unaRead more

Sesshin: Touching the Essentials at Soto Zen Retreats

Practicante Zen durante una Sesshin

Sesshin, It is one of the most important practices on the path of Zen, tiene un significado profundo que va mucho más allá de lo que comúnmente entendemos como un retiro. La palabra “sesshin” combina los caracteres japoneses para “contacto” () y “mente/corazón” (), que podemos traducir como “tocar lo esencial” o “unificar la mente-corazón”. In … Read more

The Zen Master, the good friend.

In many Eastern spiritual traditions, and especially in the way we usually perceive Zen, We tend to see the teacher as a "guru". This vision, can lead to misunderstandings and false expectations. It is easy for us to imagine the Zen master as someone with high spiritual qualities, con todas las respuestas y capaz de guiarnos comoRead more

Hishiryo: Beyond Thought and Non-Thought

En la práctica de zazen, the sitting meditation typical of Soto Zen Buddhism, one of the most important concepts is hishiryo (non-thinking), which can be translated as “beyond thought and non-thought”. Introduced by Dogen Zenji, the founder of the Soto Zen school, este término encapsula la experiencia interior que los practicantes cultivanRead more