Jukai 2024

In this cycle of teachings on precepts of the Bodhisattva, recorded in the Luz Serena Temple during the That is summer of 2024, We will explore the deep meaning of Jukai, the commitment to receive and live the precepts of the Bodhisattva, a fundamental step on the Buddhist path.

The teacher accompanies us on this journey Daizan Soriano, whose teachings guide us with wisdom and compassion through these precepts. In the serene and sacred surroundings of the Luz Serena Temple, and in the midst of the introspective atmosphere of That is, Daizan Soriano Share with us not only the theory, but also the practices that will help us integrate these principles into our daily lives through five teaching sessions.

Teaching 1

Teaching 2


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You can find the six audios and notes of each session in the course: The Path of the Bodhisattva.

Participants in the Jukai retreat 2024