In Soto Zen Buddhism, one of the most important terms to understand your practice is gyōji (uphold), which can be translated as “continuous practice”. This concept is fundamental because it reminds us that Zen practice is not limited to zazen, sitting meditation, but it covers all aspects of daily life. Every action, no matter how small, can be an expression of our practice.
The word gyōji refers to the idea that spiritual practice is a constant correct effort. There is no “time to practice” separate from a “time to live.”. Everything is an opportunity for practice, from preparing a meal to interacting with others. So, The Zen approach teaches us to bring full awareness and attention to every moment of life.
This concept has its roots in the teachings of the teacher Dogen Zenji, who founded the Soto school in Japan in the 13th century. Para Dogen, there was no separation between the practice and the realization of awakening. In fact, the practice itself is enlightenment, and every moment in which we practice is a reflection of our Buddha nature.
In the Soto Zen monasteries, gyōji manifests itself through meticulous observance of daily rituals and activities. All, from reciting sutras to the most mundane tasks like cleaning or cooking, is carried out with the same full attention as zazen. This way, In the Soto Zen tradition the distinction between “the spiritual” and “the mundane” is eliminated., something that today is often perceived as separate.
For those who do not live in a monastery, like lay practitioners, gyōji has an equally crucial role. Although they do not follow the strict monastic structure, We have to bring that same full awareness to our daily lives.. That is to say, every action, every interaction, It can be a way to practice mindfulness. This transforms ordinary life into a spiritual path, helping us maintain a constant connection to our practice no matter where we are or what we are doing.
In addition to this practice in daily life, gyōji also teaches us something very important about impermanence. By practicing continuously, We learn to live in the here and now, accepting that each moment is unique and will never be repeated. This understanding allows us to stop looking for a distant final goal and, instead, realize that awakening can be present in every moment.
In summary, Gyōji is an essential teaching in Soto Zen that invites us to practice in every moment of our lives., either in the zazen or in our daily activities. It's not just about meditating on a cushion, but to live consciously and fully. This continuous practice helps us see that life itself is the path to enlightenment.
If you are starting to explore Zen or have been on this path for some time, remember that gyōji invites you to integrate your practice into every aspect of your life. So, Zen stops being something you do at specific moments and becomes a way of being..